Online consultation: “Meet the expert” on the topic of restlessness in PCH2

Online consultation: “Meet the expert” on the topic of restlessness in PCH2
© private

5-6 pm CET

Online via Zoom

Format: Presentation of the latest findings on restlessness in PCH2 with recording, followed by an open Q&A session without recording, in English

Deadline of registration: 13.03.2025

What to expect

Children with PCH2 often experience restlessness in their everyday lives. Possible triggers for such restlessness have already been identified. A study is currently being planned to investigate restlessness further.

Screaming, crying and the discomfort of one’s own child, without obvious causes, often leave parents feeling helpless and desperate. Hence, the desire to understand the cause of said discomfort is very natural. Frequent and prolonged signs of restlessness may also lead to stress on the part of the caregivers.

With our online consultation “Meet the expert”, we want to give you the opportunity to ask your specific questions about restlessness in PCH2, live in our online meeting.

On 13 March 2025 at 5 pm CET, PD Dr. Wibke Janzarik will present her previous findings and the planned study on restlessness in PCH2 in English. Afterwards, there will be a an open Q&A session with the speaker and her team.

Attending physician PD Dr. Wibke Janzarik is head of the neuropaediatric outpatient clinic at the Freiburg University Medical Center. In addition to her research on PCH2 (gastrointestinal symptoms and restlessness, head of the second PCH2 Natural History Study), she treats affected children and their families.

For better planning, we would like to ask you to register for the event using the registration form below. You are welcome to send us your questions in advance via the “Remarks” field in the registration form to allow our experts to optimally prepare for the Q&A session.

We look forward to seeing you there!


PD Dr. Wibke Janzarik

PD Dr. Wibke Janzarik

Interested? Then register for free!

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